Hands Palpating the Spine

Today's Tic Workshop: February 25, 2020

Hosted by Trent Scheidecker, DC, Today’s TIC Workshop is where Students of ChiropracTIC can come together for an opportunity to build relationships and further develop best practices through engaging in discussions and activities to the practice of ChiropracTIC.

Guests speakers and presenters will allow you to become a better Student of ChiropracTIC. The goal of Today’s TIC Workshop is to connect the Student of Chiropractic to a Live Culture of ChiropracTIC through studying ChiropracTIC Principles, Questions or Chiropractors who can share words of wisdom that can support your journey in practice.

ATTN: 25 Capacity- Reserve your seat now!


    6:00 – 6:30 Food, Drinks & Social

    6:30 – 7:30 Workshop Discussion & Activities

    7:30 Wrap Up

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