Meet Trent Scheidecker, DC
Building a Strong Foundation for Chiropractic Growth
How it All Began
Trent Scheidecker, DC is an experienced Chiropractor with over 14 years of professional experience, seven years of being voted Best Chiropractor, thousands of community members served and hundreds of families benefiting from years of regular chiropractic care. Through the interactions and results in practice, a passion and purpose for Chiropractic has been rooted in his services to the profession.
He took his passion and proven operations in practice and founded a Chiropractic Franchise in 2011 “ChiroWay.” The mission at ChiroWay is to open doors within communities that allows infants, children and adults the ability to experience regular chiropractic care. Trent has been documenting the years in practice and transforming them into priorities and training for ChiroWay Franchisees to benefit from. He considers his passion for the practice of Chiropractic as an opportunity to mentor and coach students of Chiropractic and colleagues who practice within the ChiroWay Tribe. Because of his passion for Chiropractic, ChiroWay Chiropractors have facilitated over 2.5 million specific Chiropractic Adjustments for the correction of vertebral subluxation in just over 10 years.
Trent’s introduction to Chiropractic started when he frequently visited his chiropractor on a weekly basis in high-school to excel in performance on and off the field. He knew the benefits experienced were worth the time and investment into becoming a chiropractor to help his community experience a higher quality of life through regular chiropractic care. Trent went to the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) where he majored in Biology while playing division II NCAA College Football at UMD. After UMD he attended Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, MN for the next four years. He graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic April, 2010.
Today, there are 13 ChiroWay locations throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin and more in development. Collectively as a franchise, ChiroWay has served over 10,000 clients with over 500,000 visits and over 2,500,000 chiropractic adjustments to help people experience a higher quality of life in just 10 years of service.

Trent has been mentored by Chiropractors over the years to lead him to the leadership role. Chiropractors such as Reggie Gold DC, Joseph Strauss DC, Joe Donofrio DC, and Nick Spano DC are a few of his influential mentors. His passion and experience within the practice of Chiropractic has brought on the leadership and instructor role for Advanced Muscle Palpation “AMP.” AMP is a Tonal Chiropractic Analysis that determines the spinal level and listing of vertebral subluxation by recognizing vitalistic principles within the body. The stretch reflex arc embedded within the spinal musculature stabilizers provides self-regulating communication and efficient indicators for the location and correction of vertebral subluxation.
On top of his role as a Chiropractor, he has chosen to become a student of franchising. Franchising within Chiropractic is a method of distributing more Chiropractic Care to new communities through proven systems involving a franchisor, who establishes the brand’s trademark and a system for operations, and a franchisee, who supports the network of individually owned businesses operating underneath the trademark. For ChiroWay this means more marketing, training and technical support through company owned software for Chiropractors to practice with efficient and affordable operations for their Chiropractor Owned Center. Trent has chosen to be more than a student of franchising, in 2021 he became certified as a Franchise Executive through the International Franchise Association (CFE). He is certified in franchise management, leadership, and small business operations in order to gain insights into franchise strategy and development. This certification has helped ChiroWay Franchise cultivate systems and leadership to grow the enterprise.
Trent’s fascination with the philosophy, science and art of Chiropractic has taken him into self publishing his first book The Adjustment Advantage. The purpose of The Adjustment Advantage is to bring more awareness to the simple principle that we all have the potential to achieve a higher quality of life.
Along with publications, podcasting is within routine of spreading the message about the benefits of regular chiropractic care, titled Today’s TIC. Today’s TIC is a podcast on the philosophy, science, and art of adjusting vertebral subluxation for the purpose of giving freedom of action to impingement of the neurological system that may cause deranged function to the innate intelligence of the body.
"The potential for optimal wellbeing is within you - remove the interference to the expression of it."
- Trent Scheidecker, DC
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