“The bones of the spine fit together so perfectly, that the openings totally protect the nerve trunks, unless something happens. Something that Chiropractors are concerned with. Something called Vertebral Subluxation. Vertebral Subluxation is what is called when one of the bones in the spine, instead of being in the proper position protecting nerves slips out of place-just a tinniest bit. Just enough to cause a break down in the in the communications between the central nerve system and the glands that are supposed to be controlled by the central nerve system.” -Reggie Gold

Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Not enjoying the way your body is functioning?

If you don’t like how your quality of life is working, look at the laws that influence the outcome in order to create change. 

In Today’s TIC, we’re going to grow in our understanding of what can cause vertebral subluxation. Listen in and be sure to tag us @todaystic!

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